The School of PREhealth
to enhance reproductive literacy
The People's School of Reproductive Health (PREhealth) was conceived at Maastricht University within FHML honour program, which focused on improving the usability of a test commonly done before or during pregnancy, including preconception career testing (PCT), preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) and non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). As the project developed, the need for easily understandable, easily accessible, and comprehensive information about topics involving pregnancy became apparent. PREhealth focuses on three segments of reproductive care, namely PREconception, PREimplantation, and PREnatal healthcare.
Doctor's appointments are generally short, and people may have many questions left. We aim to provide a platform on which scientifically sound, patient-minded information can be found, and expecting parents can connect to find community. We're here for all parents, of all genders, sexualities, and ethnicities.
Pregnancy can be an uncertain time, and we hope PREhealth can give you some peace of mind.
PREhealth was founded together with a group of talented students in FHML honors program of Maastricht University. For more information see